
This collection is a portrait of the people, places and things in Philadelphia throughout the 80s, 90s and 2000s. I photographed my experience: the neighborhoods that I was raised in and later frequented. These images are a view of the city from the perspective of the people that have lived it; a city made up of people, communities, businesses and culture. They are a look at the evolution of what has, and continues to, make this city what it is today. As a product of a Philadelphia neighborhood, I have documented my first hand experience of its ever changing and often overlooked greatness over time.  

 This collection includes the creation and demolition of buildings, skylines, intersections, row houses, boxers and business owners, all from a genuine, local view. The original images were mostly shot with large format Black & White negatives. They are intended to be viewed over time to document who we were then, who we are now, and celebrate the people and communities that got us here. Currently, this collection is housed in multiple public and private collections. Most notably would be the Special Collections Research Center in the Charles Library at Temple University and the Free Library’s Print and Picture Collection. The FLP houses almost 1400 images shot during that era.

Navigate through our two galleries by selecting your preference below.  

Fine Art Selection: a rare and meticulously curated set of photographs chosen from our complete collection. These exclusive images are selected for collectors and galleries. This selection is printed on Baryta paper which is an acid free, pure white paper that maximizes archival longevity.

Neighborhoods: a curated set of images pulled from the broader collection highlighting Philadelphia neighborhoods. This selection is available on two types of paper, Semi-Gloss photo paper, which is a traditional photo paper and Pearl Fine Art Paper, which is perfect for display prints with the feel and look of a fiber based print.

Do not reproduce without permission or credit. Copyrighted material. 

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Philadelphia Collections

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